Kingsgrove public school promotes Aboriginal peoples histories, cultures and languages to all students with a range of learning experiences across all curriculum areas. As well Kingsgrove public school has a proud history of enrolment of students with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island backgrounds providing opportunities for these students to participate in additional programs.
Our school celebrates NAIDOC week with classroom activities on Aboriginal culture and history. As well we have a whole day cultural education Ultimate Dreamtime Experience from the Koomurri Dancers.

Yarn up
Stage 3 Aboriginal students to participate in Yarn Up. This program aims to provide opportunities for Aboriginal students in Years 5 and 6 to develop skills in:
- impromptu speaking
- public speaking
- debating
- positive feedback
Transition from primary to secondary school has been identified as a critical period in the lives of Aboriginal young people. Yarn up is part of a series of transition programs run by the Aboriginal education and wellbeing team, specifically targeting Aboriginal students in order to involve them in school life and see them grow in confidence as they prepare to move on to high school.
The Twugia project initiative was developed to address the needs of Aboriginal gifted and talented students. Year 6 Aboriginal students are invited to participate in the project based on year 5 NAPLAN results and where possible continue each year after. The initiative’s priority is to deliver curriculum enrichment based on numeracy and/or literacy integrating information communications technology and to meet the needs of these high achieving students through innovative and engaging activities which include partnerships with community and developing a deeper cultural understanding.
Deadly Kids Doing Well (DKDW) awards
This award recognises Aboriginal students who are achieving well in school, attend regularly and demonstrate leadership.
Nanga mai awards
The Annual Public Schools NSW Nanga Mai awards are held to celebrate and recognise innovation, excellence and educational achievements in Aboriginal education in New South Wales public schools and their school communities. Aboriginal students may be nominated for an award in any of the following:
- Encouragement award
- Outstanding student engagement award
- Outstanding achievement in sport award
- Outstanding achievement in performing/creative/visual arts award
- Outstanding achievement in public speaking award
- Student leadership award