Defining bullying
Bullying has three main features – it:
- involves a misuse of power in a relationship
- is ongoing and repeated, and
- involves behaviours that can cause harm.
Bullying can happen in person or online, and it can be obvious (overt) or hidden (covert).
Bullying can have a lasting impact on everyone involved, including those who witness it. That is why it is important to work together to create safe school communities for everyone.
Some behaviours, while not bullying, are conflicts that still need to be addressed and resolved. Examples include:
- mutual arguments and disagreements (where there is no power imbalance)
- not liking someone or a single act of social rejection
- one-off acts of meanness or spite
- isolated incidents of aggression, intimidation or violence.
How do I know if a young person is being bullied?
Some signs that a young person may be being bullied include:
- not wanting to go to school
- have falling school grades
- changing their route to school or become frightened of walking to school
- changes in sleeping or eating patterns
- frequent tears, anger, mood swings and anxiety
- having unexplained bruises, cuts and scratches
- missing or damaged belongings or clothes
- asking for extra pocket money or food
- arriving home hungry.
What can parents do if their child is being bullied?
- Do not directly approach any other student or their family.
- Contact the school and make an appointment to discuss the issue.
- Ask the school for a copy of their Anti-bullying Plan.
- Work with your child’s school to solve the problem by establishing a plan for dealing with the current situation and future bullying incidents.
For more information and resources, visit the anti-bullying website.