24 Sep 2019
Selective high schools cater for high achieving academically gifted students who may otherwise be without sufficient classmates at their own academic and social level. These schools help gifted and talented students to learn by grouping them with other gifted and talented students, teaching them in specialised ways and providing educational materials at the appropriate level.
Applications for selective high school placement are considered mainly on the basis of the Selective High School Placement Test results and school assessment scores. The Selective High School Placement Test will be held on Thursday, 12 March 2020.
Detailed instructions on how to apply online will be available from mid-October 2019 in a printed application information booklet and at https://schoolsequella.det.nsw.edu.au/file/eafa8804-3a28-4730-9fc0-0ee49dd90f83/1/SHS-application-information.pdf
Intention to apply for selective high school note (PDF, 219KB)